Users have been complaining about this problem for at least a couple of years, but Google was silent and replied to journalists with a general phrase that the company’s services are prohibited from distributing malicious content. Moreover, the recent recognition of the media problem was almost accidental: a short, unclarified post on the official Calendar Support Forum. It says that Google is aware of the problem and is working to solve it, but there is no date, no other details. Spammers create an event in the “calendar”: they set the date and time and add participants. This only requires the victim’s email. Even if the invitation letter gets into the spam folder, the event itself is added to the “Calendar” and will be able to earn. Because all Google services are connected to one ecosystem, even free vpn chrome extension can`t help to avoid displayed spam in other applications associated with your account. There is no danger of spam in itself, except for these annoying inconveniences. But if you click on a link in it, you can either register for another spam or go to phishing or infected pages. A similar problem arises with calendars from Microsoft and Apple:t is enough to know the user’s mail to send him an invitation to an event. What happened before that?
This vulnerability has been known since late 2017. The Black Hills research group told about it in their blog, experts managed to add a malicious link to the event in Google Calendar. With the help of a special program, they were even able to bypass the “calendar” setting, which prohibits the display of invitations to which the user does not respond.
Google did not close the security vulnerability “Calendar” ahead of time because of the inconveniences that the update will cause the users of the service, writes Forbes portal. Limited Tips: First, mark all suspicious links in the calendar as spam and remove them; second, disable automatic event synchronization in Mail. However, in this case, the calendar will stop performing some of these functions.
The Bell wrote about the spontaneous influx of spam on the Russian Internet in mid-August. Spam can be used not only by “Calendar”. Attackers share photos with fake checks and information about rewards for non-existent photos in Google Photos and Google Analytics to send in malicious links.
How do you stop seeing spam in the organizer?
Go to the Google Calendar page
Click on the gear in the upper right corner
Next, “Settings” – “Events from Gmail”
Remove the checkmark from “Automatically add events from Gmail to my calendar”